The city of Agen also had the opportunity to share its good practices in struggling social isolation, notably through initiatives such as NINAA, led by the social department. NINAA is a network whose mission is to alleviate the isolation of people over 80. As emphasized by Baya Kherkhach, deputy in charge, among others, of the elderly and the CCAS, "the objective is to create lasting proximity ties."
Other remarkable initiatives were highlighted, such as the Antigaspi Solidaire Solidrive supermarket, which aims to create a positive collective dynamic and support the associative world in the social and solidarity economy (SSE).
Similarly, the Blue Box Coffee, a cultural and associative café offering activities, discussion groups, and a suspended consumption system, was presented. Its ambition is to promote convivial moments for all and make culture accessible to everyone.
Our hosts also had the opportunity to discover the Agen culture during a bike tour of the city and by attending a rugby match to support SUA (Sporting Union Agen)!
This successful launch allowed the city of Agen to plan, with the other cities in the network, study visits from October to December, in the company of Christophe Gouache. This tour of European cities will thus establish an inventory of social isolation.