Get to know Ireland’s first Natural Play Area!

Edited on 18/09/2024

Photo by Ferenc Szigeti

Within the 3rd Core Network Meeting, the BiodiverCity partnership tested Limerick’s first Natural Play Area, which opened in 2022 at the Castletroy Urban Greenway, within the Go Green Routes Horizon 2020 project - the easy-to-adapt tool inspired all network partners.

Limerick City & County Council intends to use this model in the future where possible because it encourages children to engage more with nature and their natural surroundings. It is not a formal playground, but indeed a great place to get some of our connection to nature back, the connection which has been dramatically lost over the last decades. Limerick’s initiative is a great experiment and very much welcomed by visiting partner cities: “It might help engage communities”, “A good way to encourage people to explore urban green areas” and “An excellent example of a communication strategy that can be easily integrated into our action plan”- just a few examples from their positive reactions.


You can read the whole case study HERE.

Submitted by Ferenc Szigeti-Böröcz on 18/09/2024
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Ferenc Szigeti-Böröcz

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