Mini recycling stations and Vollebekk Fabrikker, lessons by Oslo

Edited on 16/02/2021

German language version

Examples of Urban Resource Centres in Oslo

In the 3rd Transnational meeting the partners of Resourceful Cities were treated to a virtual video tour and presentation of some of the city’s urban resource centres. Oslo has a variety of these centres, ranging from mini-recycling stations such as the Coloseum station, with a focus on meeting the needs of citizens who have relatively small items they no longer need and wish to deposit, without the need for a car,  to re-use centres such as the one in Lindeberg, that has a stronger community focus and goes beyond simply promoting reuse but provides wider community support, engagement and training services.


Some facts about the mini recycling stations

  • There are 9 mini recycling stations & 2 mobile mini recycling stations in Oslo
  • Their aim is to make it easier for citizens to deliver small amounts of bulky waste and hazardous waste without the need for a car and to promote and support reuse
  • They are funded through the public waste tax and are operated by the municipality
  • They are ‘free of charge’ for citizens to use
  • 2 of the 9 mini reuse stations are ccessible with the Oslo key app and operate on a trust based system
  • These stations enable the reuse of 397 tons items in 2019
  • One station has a more active community focus, providing training, events and offering valuable community information. The city wants to build on the success of this model and  develop further reuse stations as shared spaces – both reuse stations and informal meeting places hosting a variety of activities for the local population.


Interested in setting up a mini recyling station in your own city? See the Eco Business Model Canvas model below to gain insights:



Vollebekk Factory

Vollebekk Fabrikker acts as an incubator for new circular businesses in Oslo. The centre opened in a previously vacant industrial space in 2018 as part of a wider urban regeneration project. As well as incubating new businesses the centre provides training to the wider community and hosts events aimed at bringing together diverse sectors of society who share a common interest in sustainability.

  • The centre opened in a previously vacant industrial space in 2018 as part of a wider urban regeneration project.
  • Acts as an incubator for new circular businesses.
  • Provides education, awareness raising & circular economy related training to the wider community.
  • Acts as an important meeting place and hosts events aimed at bringing together diverse sectors of society who share a common interest in sustainability.
  • To read more, go to the website.


Inspired after reading more about Vollenbekk Factory? See the Eco Business Model Canvas model below to gain insights:


Submitted by Esmée Dijt on 16/02/2021
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Esmée Dijt

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