The 3rd Transnational Meeting for Playful Paradigm Second Wave, virtually hosted by the Municipality of Jelgava on February 24, 2022, focused on the Transfer Module 1 – PLAY for Sustainable Urban Regeneration.
The masterclasses moderated by Ileana Toscano, lead expert of the project, saw the intervention of ad hoc Urbact expert Mary Dellenbaugh-Losse – equal cities specialist – plus other experiences from the cities of Umea (Sweden), Pristina, (Kosovo) and Pordenone (Italy).
Gender is an important and often overlooked aspect of urban planning, in particular with regard to spaces of play and active recreation. In addition, incorporating play and playfulness into urban planning decisions can foster gender equality and inclusion of multi-generational voices in cities, Dr. Mary Dellenbaugh-Losse said. Studies in cities show time and again that women and men perceive spaces differently and have different needs with regard to public space and city infrastructure. For this reason, the same space can affect women and men’s actions differently.
From the experience of this meeting, a useful toolkit document was created by Mary Dellenbaugh-Losse that summarizes and codifies the approach for the design of playgrounds and urban spaces that take into account inclusion and a gender-sensitive approach.
Download the Gender Toolkit HERE