SCHOOLHOOD’s Second stop on its journey to safe, green and happy ways to school

Edited on 10/10/2024

„From data to vision and actions“ – this is the theme of the SCHOOLHOODs team for its second quarter on the pathway to produce integrated actions plans for pushing safe, green and happy ways to school in our network cities! Taking up knowledge on instruments for learning on pupils’ mobility needs and reality (and also parents’ need), SCHOOLHOODs finished the analysis of the local realities and compared the results to the desired „ideal“ situation. Which brought the question on „What do we want to achieve“ to the foreground!

With Line No. 1 – learning and exchange @ network level – SCHOOLHOODs invested in learning how to work with pupils to achieve a better understanding and arrive at better actions! Our SCHOOLHOODs webinar #2 did exactly that: two high class experts presented their approaches with pupils to improve active mode school trips. During network’s meeting in Turku, SCHOOLHOODs team exchanged on vision building and defining objectives bringing the local work state of play „on the wall“.

With Line No 2 – putting things on the ground – The spotlight is on our partner city Parma, which did a survey with 6 high schools on how students come to school involving 6 school locations. The results are that the vast majority is coming by public transport with private cars taking the second place but with only a quarter the user figures of public transport already. . Cycling and walking is half the figure of car use each.  The results of the survey and of school environment scans build the frame for the Parma ULG to work with pupils on fitting measures that push how school mobility takes form to the desired direction.

With Line No. 3 – what else is out there? – for working with pupils but as well for engaging anyone, enjoyable and triggering work formats promise to involve more people, create higher commitment levels and in the end deliver better results. Led by one of our own, Maciej Zacher from Skawina, the SCHOOLHOODs team explored gamification options for engaging people in public space design and for making people actually use public space. Games can be hands-on with paper and pencil, but as well virtual connected with the real world layer by thematic tours or treasure hunts (remember Pokemon Go?)

With Line No. 4 - creative work with methods and tools – SCHOOLHOODs finally (if you ask our ULG members) started the work on actions: a real world example challenged the team as a Mayor’s commission to answer to the increasing problems with how children come to school. The case took the team on a sprint of finding measures, to cluster them, prioritise and finally detail them. On the road, the team tested different tools to learn if to use them at home. Some recommendations for real case work from our side are:a set of recommendations:

  • Never underestimate the time it takes – plan for less or take more time!

  • Invest in preparing the details – and send out briefings prior to the lab , if it works for your case schedule!

Take a look at the full Quarterly Network Report No. 2 and our second stop - vision, objectives & actions here!

Stay tuned!


Submitted by Vasilis Koutalas on 10/10/2024
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Vasilis Koutalas

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