SmartImpact Final Event

Edited on 05/04/2023

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The SmartImpact final output was launched at the Everything is Connected event in Manchester in March 2018. The website was launched to showcase its theme papers and case studies to help cities understand the components needed to become a smartcity. We hope this will help cities on their smart city journey in the future.

Every Thing Is Connected - The Road to becoming a smart city: 20th - 22nd March 2018

The SmartImpact network held its final event in Manchester on the 20th March 2018 as part of ‘Everything is Connected’, a 3 day smart city showcase for smart and innovative work in Manchester. The event was held at The Bright Building, a new and innovative space from Manchester Science Partnerships.
The SmartImpact final output was unveiled; a web resource to help cities on their smart city journey
The event opened with key note speeches including a welcome form Cllr Angeliki Stogia, Executive Member for Environment and Skills at Manchester City Council. This was followed by Luci Glenday, CEO of T7 Tech who talked about how datasets and data platforms can support social care to analyse and identify triggers for well-being decline in a patient. She also highlights the importance of innovation ecosystems in the city.
The data theme was continued by the SmartImpact Lead Expert, Alanus von Radecki from the Fraunhofer Institute, who focused on at data governance and its value in a smart city. Alanus drew on the excellent Smart Society Data Charter Eindhoven case study to illustrate his points:
Delegates also took part in series of workshops linked to the SmartImpact case studies, offering an opportunity to talk directly with the city partners.
The workshops were aligned to the SmartImpact themes, drawing on the 5 theme papers offering an insight into the lessons learned by the SmartImpact Network.

The five themes were:

  • Organisational Development – how municipalities can develop new structures and processes to support the smart city.
  • Finance & Procurement – ways to finance and procure innovation and how cities can plan, support and monetise new business models to deliver innovation.
  • Regulations & Incentives – smart policies and regulations to support a Smart city.
  • Innovation Ecosystems – how a city can support its own ecosystem to provide solutions to city challenges.
  • Data Governance & Integration – challenges and opportunities of data use, including open data, data marketplaces, ownership and protection.

Day 2 was an opportunity to get hands on with Manchester’s innovative work linked to CityVerve ( and Triangulum ( This included demonstrations of cargo bikes, electric cars, visualisation workshops, a visit to the university’s energy centre, demonstrations of apps plus an opportunity to meet the CityVerve and Triangulum partners.
Day 3 was hosted by Future Everything: “Trust in Invisible Agents”, a day of ideas, art, experiments and workshops exposing the unseen currents of the Internet of Things.
Over the three days, the event had attendees from municipalities, industry, knowledge sector as well as digital and SME sector. Cities from across Europe and beyond were represented.
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Submitted by Shanice Fuller on 13/07/2018
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Shanice Fuller

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