Transnational Meeting Magdeburg: 18-19 September 2019

Edited on 22/10/2019

On the 18th and 19th of September 2019, all partners from the Welcoming International Talent project travelled to Magdeburg, Germany to get together for their 4th transnational meeting. Read more to discover Magdeburg’s approach to welcoming international talents and the topic of integration and mutual appreciation of internationals living in our city.

After a very friendly welcoming reception on the eve of September 17th, we started of the 4th transnational Meeting in the restructured old Elbe Harbour in Magdeburg. The location, an old industrial site, rebuild for housing innovative ICT related companies and R&I, reflected instantly the issues Magdeburg is facing. Once a busy industrial city, the WW2 left its marks on the city, with wide spread destruction by bombardments. After the war, Magdeburg became part DDR, with heavy, state-led industry. After the fall of the Wall, this industry went into decline, leaving tens of thousands of people jobless, many of the citizen of Otto-Stadt Magdeburg moved to the more affluent western parts of Germany.

Luckily, heavy investment turned Magdeburg in a very nice city, partly with the original buildings, partly with post-war buildings, and with many reconstructed area’s were the industrial heritage is being used for new purposes.

The first day, where we focused on Magdeburg, was opened by the Rector of the Otto von Guericke University. The University, funded mostly by the Sachsen-Anhalt State, is making a point of contributing to a secure supply of skilled workers and to counteracting demographic change. With a decline of young people in the region, attracting internationals is very much a necessity. Both the University, and the University of Applied Sciences of Magdeburg and Stendal make great effort to welcome their internationals, and to try to integrate them into society, as the aim for both universities is to keep the international talents in the region. We also learned about the efforts that are taken to welcome talented refugees and to keep them for the region.

I was impressed by the many activities, and the very high and professional level of organization of these activities. However, as the internationals themselves told us, integration into the German society is not always easy. Language is a barrier. You’ll need to speak German at at least a reasonable level if you want to work with any of the companies in the city. We also heard that it is still not easy to take the bureaucratic hurdles if you’re a fresh international, both by the language barrier, and by cultural barriers.

On the second day, our key-note speaker Dr. Jörg Plöger gave us food for thought, by showing that ‘the international’ does not exist. His research shows that different cities attract different types of internationals. This made me think about the type of internationals our cities attract: fits the type of international we attract with the type of international we want in our cities?

We also could talk with some internationals about their experience in Magdeburg. Though their experience varies from very positive, to less positive, they all agree: Magdeburg is a good city to live in. As partners, we can only agree with that, Magdeburg is a very nice place, and we love to come back!

Thanks to the Magdeburg-team for the excellent organization and most hospitable reception!

Submitted by Evite van Winkoop on 22/10/2019
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Evite van Winkoop

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