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  • Public Policies & Governance for Territorial Food Systems

    The transition towards territorial food systems requires new public policies that consider innovative and effective formulas for participatory governance, among other facilitating elements. Food

  • Food Corridors contribution to the Conference on Sustainable Urban Development by the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union

    Making health a cross-sectoral priority, taking action regarding the food sector towards sustainable approach was some of the conclusions of the workshop in which Food Corridors, through the lead

  • Local processing with high standards of sustainability: Funky Forest in Szécsény/Hungary

    Agri Kulti has been researching those areas where sustainable, small-scale Hungarian food producers can gain market opportunities for more than a decade. As a result, several farmer’s markets were

  • How PDOs and PGIs can level up Greece’s primary sector (the example of Larissa and Thessaly)

    In recent years, in the era of globalization of markets, the labeling of agricultural products concerns an increasing range of products, producers and sales networks. In this context, special

  • Feeding a Cooperative Food Network in a Time of Pandemic

    This article presents brief comments on three ideas that describe the state of mind of the FOOD CORRIDORS network just before giving way to the final period of a project that has seen the light and

  • The events in Tartu County are growing greener

    Several events in Southern Estonia participated in the pilot program of the Green Festival in the spring and summer in 2021. The aim of the program is to provide support activities for event


    To reduce the depletion of natural resources, limit environmental impacts, and make the food system more circular.

  • SHORT FOOD SUPPLY CHAINS - Relocalising production to empower actors and make territories resilient

    Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC) renew the traditional format of direct sales in order to position themselves as an alternative to the long chains that characterise the global food system, a model that

  • The power of short food supply chains: shortening distances to reduce uncertainty

    On the occasion of the Transnational Meeting of 25 June, the Union of Bassa Romagna Municipalities presented the first Digital Study Visit focused on the thematic priority "short food supply chains”