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  • Participative governance

    Cascais’ Participatory Budget: an inspiring example

    How one medium Portuguese city's participatory budget acts as a platform for democratic change by shifting attitudes.

  • Participative governance
    Social cohesion

    URBACT’s City Labs: Refreshing Europe’s urban policy principles

    The 2007 Leipzig Charter established the EU’s urban policy principles. Ahead of its 2020 EU Presidency, Germany is refreshing this key document. URBACT’s City Labs, linked to the Charter’s principles

  • An invitation to Madrid

    Eddy Adams, SIX Adviser and URBACT Programme Expert says Europe’s cities are widening civic participation to innovate, drive change and nourish democracy.

  • Transfer networks, an URBACT Learning Lab to build capacity and promote cohesion across Europe

    You might not expect Twitter to be the place for informed debate on the future of the EU Cohesion Policy. But you’d be wrong. Amidst the white noise on this social media platform, a fascinating

  • Articles

    The growing role of food in fixing our cities

    El pasado 7 de enero de 2019 se lanzó oficialmente la nueva convocatoria las URBACT Action Planning Networks, que estará abierta hasta el 17 de abril. Puedes conocer todos los detalles aquí
  • Articles

    A city fighting climate change: How Nantes got its citizens to talk energy transition

    Tackling climate change was never going to be easy. But in the afterglow of the Paris COP21 Agreement, at least it seemed that we were moving in the right direction. By late 2016, the biggest

  • With a climate change denier in the Whitehouse, how can our cities maintain momentum towards a low carbon future?

    A day to remember…or one to forget

    Where were you when you heard that Donald Trump had been elected President of the United States? In years to come, that may be the ‘Where were you when Kennedy was
  • Digital Uber Alles

    Hands up those of you who have used Uber. Or Airbnb? I thought so. Increasingly, if you ask that question to a group of people, a forest of hands shoots up. When I asked it at a German Marshall Fund e

  • Open for business? Europe’s cities and the skills challenge of the Next Economy

    Eight years after the advent of the Global Financial Crisis, much of Europe's economy continues to be sluggish, with uneven rates of jobs and business growth across the EU. There are, of course