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  • Transfer Story: Baena. A tale of two cities

    “It was the best of times, it was the worst oftimes, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light

  • Transfer Story: Toulouse. Urban Regeneration Mix, a relay reace about citizen participation

    To get involved in the URBACT REGENERATION MIX project is to start a RELAY RACE named "CITIZEN PARTICIPATION" in Poland, in ŁÓDŹ, without knowing who the relays will be, the length of the race, or the

  • Articles

    Transfer Story: Municipality of Braga and Urban Regeneration Mix project challenge

    A group of citizens resident in the urbanisation around Praceta João Beltrão, in mid-2020, started a movement to show their discontent with the construction works that the municipality of Braga was

  • Transfer Story: Replicating the mediator’s role from Lodz to Birmingham - what happens if we empower community representatives to become mediators?

    The last decade saw Birmingham fall victim of the most drastic austerity measures applied by the national Government after the financial crisis in 2008. The change of the national political leadership

  • Transfer Story: Zagreb "Block Badel" challenge

    “Indeed, the move to connect public subsidy and private compliance must be understood in the context of the post-war history of urban redevelopment initiatives, most of which have been considered

  • Transfer Story: Cuture as a regeneration key from Lodz (Poland) to Bologna (Italy)

    "For me the cultural man is the one who knows where to go to look for information in the one-time part of his life where he needs it." said Umberto Eco. But around him, we add, there must be tools and

  • Designing the neighbourhood of the XXI century, through strategic innovation

    “It could be that the neighbourhood, not the individual, is the essential unit of social change. If you’re trying to improve lives, maybe you have to think about changing many elements of a single

  • EAT MAKE PLAY: A community enterprise that promotes participation and local trading for the benefit of the community

    Traditionally, we see mediators as people/organisations external to the conflict. What if it were done differently? If the center point of mediation were within the community itself?

  • Delivering Socially Responsible Regeneration and Procurement

    Over the course of 2 and half years, Urban Regeneration Mix Transfer Network has been seeking to enable a new approach to urban regeneration. Framed by the good practice , the network has sought to