All URBACT articles

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  • C-Change: The Final Word

    “The climate and ecological crisis is a systemic issue, rooted in global economic, social, cultural and value systems locking in unsustainable consumption, inequality and a disconnection from nature. 

  • Think Globally, Act Locally

    Pilot Action Programmes were commissioned for the first time by URBACT to engage citizens in the project theme. The pilot action programme aim for C-Change was to support understanding and action on

  • Bring down the curtain on C-Change

    We’ve just had our final meeting and I wanted to share my thoughts...

  • Carbon Literacy Training adapted for the virtual world

    As part of its capacity building objective, MAST through C-Change wanted to create 100 free Carbon Literacy Places in a new online learning format. The aims of this training were to help the network

  • Manchester's improvement story

    Playing our full part in Manchester and taking it on the road

    How sharing our approach with other European cities has helped Manchester take its cultural collaboration on climate action and engagement

  • Culture connects on climate - Wroclaw's transfer story

    By: Kamila Bzowy, Senior Specialist for Climate Action and Piotr Matunin, Project Manager, Wrocław City Hall

  • Small steps, small change - Sibenik's transfer story

    How adapting Manchester’s model of cultural collaboration on climate action and engagement has driven change for the better in Šibenik

    By Nikolina Gracin, Department of Economy, Entrepreneurship and

  • We Art the Change - Mantova's transfer story

    How working with Manchester shaped Mantova’s arts and culture sector as a driver for positive change on climate

  • Articles

    Gelsenkirchen's transfer story

    Building a creative alliance for climate action – adapting the Manchester model in the heart of the Ruhr

    Gelsenkirchen’s Urbact Transfer Story

    By Susanne Dippel, Climate Action Manager, City of