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  • Urban planning
    Local economy

    How residents and businesses are re-energising their city centre

    Many in Heerlen (NL) wanted change, but didn’t know how to effect it. Following a wealth of inspiration, participation and activation through URBACT, things are now looking up.

  • Rethinking welfare from a neighbourhood level

    Version dating back from October 2015. Strategy for the contribution of URBACT III to Europe 2020 and the achievement of economic, social and territorial cohesion.

  • Local drive for a cycle-friendly city

    Facing severe pollution from over-reliance on cars, Thessaloniki (GR) committed to promoting cycling proactively, and, through the URBACT RESILIENT EUROPE network, drew up its first-ever strategy

  • An old fortress brings new cohesion

    MEDINT project MEDINT is an URBACt I Project which studied the integrated approach concept, which has become a characteristic feature of European urban development strategies. The work carried out in

  • Breathing new life into abandoned spaces

    This is the report of the Creative SpIN Final Event, held in Birmingham, 21-22 April 2015

  • A new urban freight plan

    When Umeå — northern Sweden’s largest urban community — joined the URBACT Freight TAILS network, its city centre faced increasing traffic problems, partly from vehicles delivering to shops and

  • Reducing congestion for a healthier, wealthier city

    Picture 5. Poor people at the centre of the Helmholtz square. Source: Ivan Tosics