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  • Soooo What is Tech? Learn the lingo for the Revolution

    A Glossary of Terms by TechRevolution. Find definitions of all the Tech terms you are wondering about: Fab Lab, Makerspace, Traction stage, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Tech, Robotics, Design

  • Articles

    Cities and digitalisation: “Adapt or die”

    How can cities benefit from digitalisation?  With dramatic headlines about jobs being destroyed by digitalisation, and many policy makers resisting change, Alison Partridge argues that the 4th

  • The co-working revolution

    What can cities do to create open workspaces where entrepreneurs can connect and grow jobs?

    An explosion of new workspace

  • Articles

    Cities talking Digital

    Have a listen to URBACT’s first ever podcast which explores what we mean when we talk about digital jobs in Europe’s cities and what cities from all URBACT networks – whatever their core theme - could

  • Articles

    Crowdfunding City Futures?

    What has crowdfunding got to do with urban development? What part of the future funding mix could crowdfunding play for European cities strapped for cash yet needing to respond to change and deliver