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  • Articles

    Presenting, the newborn website of the urban commons network of Naples

    Commons Napoli is the newborn website of the urban commons network of Naples, a virtual place where to find altogether the many communities that animate the social and cultural life of the city, with

  • Enhancing the care of the city: Naples Transfer Story

    In 2018 the city of Naples was awarded by URBACT for its model of “civic uses”, a policy tool that enables communities of citizens to manage and take care of public assets – known as urban commons  – 

  • Articles

    Incubating commons: Gdansk Transfer Story

    The main challenge for Gdansk is the execution of inhabitants' rights to the city related to common management of public spaces and local democracy. On one hand, there are a lot of active citizens who

  • Energy and food as commons: Amsterdam Transfer Story

    Amsterdam is a municipality that harbours creativity and social innovation. Winning the Icapital award in 2016, Amsterdam aims to stay a frontrunner in (social) innovation. The city adopted an

  • Articles

    Enabling co-governance in a post-communist city: Prešov Transfer Story

    Previously to Civic eState, Prešov was unaware of the possibilities offered by URBACT. Moreover, the Slovakian city devoted itself to a minimal extent to projects based on the active participation of

  • Articles

    Enabling co-governance in a post-communist city: Iași Transfer Story

    As “learning city” of Civic State Transfer Network, Iași was motivated to see the good practices of the mature cities – like Naples, Barcelona and Gdansk – on participative approaches and understand

  • Sharing principles and legal tools to enable participation: Ghent's Transfer Story

    The Journey of the Belgian city in the Civic eState Transfer Network, and its special exchange with Barcelona, Amsterdam and Naples

  • Mapping the Transfer Journey

    A retrospective and scenario exercise for the Civic eState network

    Words by Liat Rogel, URBACT Expert