EU City Lab #3 on food-your chance to register!

Edited on 16/09/2024


Knowledge capitalization is an important objective of the URBACT Programme. EU City Labs are key to this, seeing the sharing of knowledge on an URBACT/European Urban Initiative (EUI) Good Practice and how these learnings have been transferred to and adapted by other localities around Europe. Below is an overview of one such Lab coming up next month


You can join the URBACT Secretariat in the city of Milan between 23rd and 24th October to learn about how cities leverage for more sustainable local food systems by discovering different strategies around using land. This is Lab #3 (and the last) in the series on Local Food Systems and will provide a great opportunity to discuss, share knowledge and engage in group activities and thematic sessions. Representatives from Ireland have participated in previous Labs in the series. The trip will allow participants to visit cities in Milan and learn from locals about land use and food sustainability across the city, citizen engagement actions and learning communities. All the above as well as the opportunity to mix with urban policy experts alongside city practitioners in this Food sphere means you can bring home to Ireland inspiring lessons and the necessary tools to meaningfully help impact your town or city.


Register here!


You can learn more below about earlier Labs in this series:


- The EU City Lab #1 on Changing Habits for a Healthy and Sustainable Food System  occurred in Mouans-Sartoux, France, between 21st and 22nd of March 2024.


 - The EU City Lab #2 on Public Procurement for More Local, Seasonal and Sustainable Food  occurred in Liège, Belgium, between 29th and 30th May 2024.


Submitted by Karl Murphy on 16/09/2024
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Karl Murphy

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