Andrea Barickmanová

Edited on 08/06/2023

Andrea Barickmanová

  • Czech Republic

  • Czech, English, French
Availability :
Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:

  1. Thematic expertise:
    > Social Innovation


Over the past four years, I was involved in two URBACT III networks related to the OnStage project. I began  as an ULG coordinator for the city of Brno, where a part of my job was to coordinate music programmes for social change which were implemented within the project. Brno's OnStage project was a success and has resulted in the city becoming the leading partner of the CZ&SK national initiative OnStage. As I was knowledgeable in GP, I had the role of expert on the inovative methods of music education and provided help to the partner cities. Experiencing how the networks work from the inside made me truly appreciate its learning potential and practical deliverability of its projects. It simply works. A strong methodological and thematic support combined with carefully planned timeline of the project made it feel like a pleasant walk with teachers and friends, at the end of which there was at once a newly aquired know-how, its result and a group of enthousiastic people who stand behind the project.