Brian Marrinan

Edited on 27/05/2024

Brian Marrinan

  • Ireland

  • English, French, Gaelic
Brian Marrinan Headshot
Availability :
Available for Lead Expert role and Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


2. Thematic expertise:
[Mobility, Knowledge economy, Local economy]


3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Integrated and participatory design of strategies
> Sustaining stakeholder engagement and translating strategies into actions



I am a passionate advocate of the URBACT method, viewing the role of an expert as a true partnership with the network, especially the lead partner. With over 25 years of experience in Mobility, Knowledge Economy, and Local Economy sectors, I bring a wealth of expertise to support innovative and sustainable urban development. In my short time with the Urbact program, I have already engaged with the Beyond the Urban network running sessions at their TNM in Osona, including the session which contributed significantly to the synopsis section of the baseline report. I have also been named as the co-leader of the Urbact National Campus, 2024.

Mobility Expertise: As the managing partner of Journey Partners, I am deeply involved in the sustainable mobility space a firm that specializes in helping both public and private sector organizations to enhance their thinking around mobility and transport. I have worked with national and local transportation bodies around the world, with a particular focus around innovation and data, as well as how to create behavioral change (or nudging) in mobility users and the wider public. I led the world's first open innovation program in the mobility space, between a regulator (the Irish Aviation Authority), public (Enterprise Ireland), and private partners (Boeing and others). We have worked with organizations such as ADB to help them decide on the future mobility technologies they wish their climate hub to invest in. I led the development of the first Sustainability Hub within the mobility financing industry on behalf of one of the biggest banks in the space. Finally, I am a general partner at Team ABC Ventures, a company that focuses on investing in sustainable transport solutions.

Knowledge Economy Expertise: I have deep expertise in the translation of knowledge economy outputs into value-added entities. With a background in higher education institutions (HEIs) and research-performing organizations (RPOs) around the world, from Smurfit Business School to Yale University, Universidade de Évora to Open University, I have been involved in the research space, particularly the engagement of corporates in the research and commercialization process, as well as the building of collaborations nationally and internationally. I built one of Europe's first-ever translational research commercialization centers where I designed the concept, brought together over 10 RPO's to jointly work together on the center, and raised €25 million in funding for the first five years of the operation of the center. I work with the European Institute of Technology (EIT) Health as a mentor to the regions of the north of Czechia, and then also to Portugal to help them build their research and commercialization ecosystems. I work on behalf of the Marine Institute, the State agency responsible for marine research and innovation to assist them in designing their strategy. Finally, I am an evaluator on several knowledge economy programmes, for organisations such as Cypriot Research and Innovation Foundation, Enterprise Ireland, and DIGITALEUROPE (Girls and Women in Digital Program

Local Economy Expertise: Having established the world's first fintech incubator in Boston in the 90’s, to the first research commercialization and startup accelerator in Ireland almost 20 years ago, I’ve been assisting EU and national bodies with developing entrepreneurial and SME ecosystems. This includes setting up several specialist entrepreneurship programs such as rural programs sector-specific programs or acting as lead mentor for a diversity program. A significant focus of these programs is the creation of employment. I’ve worked with EIT Food to design and deliver the RisingFoodStars Serie A Scaling Investing program. Sustainable tourism has been a significant focus for my work. I have written the tourism policy for the Irish Marine Institute, mentored for Tourban, the EU’s sustainable tourism program, and assisted with the development of the CAST Network (EU COSME Programme), the creative accelerators for sustainable tourism program.

As a speaker at conferences around the world in places such as Berlin, Copenhagen, Bucharest, Kerala, Rome, London, Brussels, Istanbul, Salamanca, Turin and several others, I enjoy working with a diversity of participants, and would very much like to discuss your network and its aims.