Eliza Loucaidou

Edited on 14/07/2024

Availability :
Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


2. Thematic expertise:
> Communication


3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Securing funding and resourcing


I have more than 20 years of experience in advisory services and complex project management and execution, supported by funding instruments either through European Programmes or National Schemes. In my role at Deloitte’s Financial Advisory Services since 2011 I was responsible for managing Grants & Incentives projects for various clients and organisations, while also identifying opportunities for participating as Beneficiary in research and innovation projects carried out jointly with leading academic institutions and research centres or centres of excellence in Cyprus and across Europe. I can support partnerships in identifying and securing funding through the submission of competitive proposals to various EU Programmes and other funding instruments.

I coordinated successfully Interreg projects from the proposal until the final implementation stage, while I was also the Communication Manager for some of them (i.e. Interreg MED StoRES, ENI CBC MED BERLIN). I was also the Science Communication Manager for the COST Action PEARL PV (funded by Horizon). In this capacity, I was responsible for the design of the Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy and the execution of an ambitious action plan involving mainstream as well as targeted activities. Through my leadership and participation in such projects I can provide expertise and support in the design and delivery of exchange/learning activities on a transnational level.

From the early stages of my career in the consulting sector, I served as project manager for a broad range of surveys, social and market research studies, and I am experienced in both quantitative and qualitative research, design of questionnaires, moderating focus groups, organising workshops and analysing data and findings, as well as preparing reports and presentations. I was the Project Manager for the Territorial Just Transition Plan project in Cyprus and a member of the multidisciplinary team working on tenders published by DG Reform and other Directorates of the European Commission.