Igor Kos

Edited on 15/12/2023

Igor Kos

  • Slovenia

  • Slovenian, English, German, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian
Availability :
Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


2. Thematic expertise:
> Circular economy


I want to share my experience in circular economy development on local and regional level. EU has chosen with EU Green deal transition towards Circular economy as one of key development for future Europe and since this is not yet on level of development needed for systemic change to become day to day practice I want to help all those local and regional authorities and stakeholders to get on this path. They do not have to make all 'learning by doing it' experience as I did and with my help they could manage faster development of circular economy models for governence and for local businesses.
Thru my work on EU level, regional and local level, presentations on conferences and implementation of EU funded projects in different programs I can offer range of experience for Urbact networks.

I am active as European Climate Pact Ambassador and in CCRI pilot region Podravje.