Sandra Ceciarini

Edited on 03/05/2024

Sandra Ceciarini

  • France

  • Italian, English, French, Spanish
Availability :
Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


2. Thematic expertise:
> Equality, diversity and inclusion


I have a very solid experience on the EU and local and regional authorities as I have worked for 22 years at the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), the oldest and largest European organisation of local governments. I was the CEMR Director of international cooperation and citizenship. I have worked with elected representives and civil servants from many different countries, coordinated their contribution to European networking, designed and managed transnational projects, lead advocacy actions and facilitated exchanges and meetings.

I have coordinated and faciliated for years the European programme and network of Town Twinning which is the first form of cooperation between European cities; I am sure this experience is an added value for the success of any European and international project.  I was also the Coordinator of the European contribution to the world organisation of local governments (UCLG) and the Director of Platforma (the platform of local governments involved in development cooperation). I will be happy to bring this wide international cooperation experience as an expert in the design and delivery of transnational exchanges and learning activities within URBACT. 

In CEMR I started the European network of women elected representatives at local level. I am at the origin of the European Charter for Equality of women and men at local level launched in 2006, which has been signed by nearly 2000 municipalities, cities and regions in Europe today and translated in 27 languages. I have already had the pleasure to participate in URBACT activities to speak about the Charter and the experience on gender equality I have gained in CEMR and for which I have received a special recognition.   

I have written several publications on gender equality and drafted strategies and tools to support gender equality at local level. 

I have also helped European cities and networks to design  projects concerning migrants' inclusion at local level and worked as an evaluator in the frame of  the EU programme AMIF (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund).  

I will be happy to bring in URBACT also my expertise on equality, diversity and inclusion.