Sissy Windisch

Edited on 27/10/2023

Sissy Windisch

  • Germany

  • German, Dutch, English, French, Spanish
Availability :
Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:

  1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
  2. Thematic expertise:
    > Energy transition
  3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
    > Securing funding and resourcing
    > Sustaining engagement of stakeholders and translating strategies into actions


Passionate about actionable solutions, I actively contribute to finance and citizen engagement in my current role as a Board Member of the EU Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities

Funding and Finance

My expertise is based on close collaboration with cities over the years, not only as an expert, but also during my time in energy trading and crowdfunding. 

Engaging stakeholders

Having co-founded and grown a clean energy crowdfunding platform, I have worked closely with utilities, municipalities, ESCOs and schools over the years to help set up and finance energy transition projects.

Examples of my expert work

Examples of my output as an expert on sustainable cities include amongst others:

- Co-authoring the Joint Research Centre's Handbook on Territorial and Local Development Strategies Chapter on Finance and Funding

- Organisation of a workshop on financing during the ESPON seminar on the 'Territorial Perspective of Green Industrialisation'

- Authoring an expert study for the Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy on the challenges faced by Smaller Cities in Accessing Private Finance for clean energy projects