Yvan Corbat

Edited on 13/12/2023

Yvan Corbat

  • Spain

  • French, English, Spanish, Italian, German
Yvan Corbat
Availability :
Available for Lead Expert role and Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


2. Thematic expertise:
[Circular Economy, Culture, Equality-Diversity-Inclusion, Local Economy, Jobs and Skills]


3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
  > Integrated and participatory design of strategies
  > Monitoring and evaluation for effective implementation


I have been supporting EU local authorities for over 25 years, with a special focus on exchange & learning processes, cooperation and coordination of transnational projects to support socio-economic development, and on the design, implementation and evaluation of strategies, coordinating teams and stakeholders working on different fields, mostly around Cultural & Creative Industries, environmental issues and social and employment linked initiatives, through projects supported by programmes and funds within the EU Cohesion Policy.

I am particularly motivated when it comes to projects that involve local authorities, closer to citizens and able to implement policies and initiatives with shorter term impacts, and had the privilege to work in past URBACT projects (as Lead Expert for “Tropa Verde” TN or Thematic expert for “Creative Spirits” APN), and with URBACT Secretariat in the framework of the “Study on National URBACT POINTS - NUPs” (2021), and thus will be happy to remain as part of the URBACT family.

- Some previous experiences as Senior Consultant (since 1997):

  • Preparation, management and evaluation of over 50 EU projects in issues linked to Cultural Management & Creative Industries, Environment, Climate Change, Innovation and other territorial or sectorial cooperation projects (Creative Europe, Interreg, Erasmus+, Progress/EaSI, Life+, among other EU Programmes).
  • Evaluator for “Culture and Cultural Heritage” projects of the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) Programme  and for the “EU4Business: Connecting companies (EU4BCC)” Programme of Eurochambers.
  • URBACT validated Lead Expert on “Arts and Culture”, “Environmental Issues” and “Employment, Human Capital and Labour Mobility” (Tropa Verde LE / Creative Spirits SE). Coordinator of the Study on National Urbact Points (NUPs) for URBACT Secretariat.
  • Technical assistance for the preparation of the Territorial Cooperation Interreg VI Spain-France-Andorra POCTEFA 2021-2027
  • Representation of DEX at the Consortium for the contract “facility for the European neighbourhood instrument (ENI) cross border cooperation (CBC) programmes at the EU’s external borders (technical support to the implementation and management of ENI CBC programmes)”.
  • Drafting of several research, studies and evaluations (ARGO Grants Programme external evaluation; Wom@rts State of the Arts report on the about the situation of women artists and professionals in the CCIs sector in Europe; Survey Report on the identification of R&D trends and needs for Atlantic CCIs towards Generation Z habits and demands; Benchmarking Comparative Study on “the Management of Green Urban Areas“; + a wide range of Action and/or Strategic Plans.
  • Coordination of several events linked to the promotion of creative industries and international cooperation (i.e. : the Seminar of international cultural management on “Creative Economy in Convergence Regions, for Simetrias International Foundation, / or the VIII Days on Creative Spaces, under the title “Creative Centres in the World”, for Avilés City Council).
  • RCBI II (Regional Capacity Building Initiative) Expert – Redaction of e-modules for a training platform on “Project Management Implementation”, for the 12 partner countries currently participating in the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument Cross Border Cooperation (ENPI CBC) Programmes 2007-2013. Subcontracted by MWH International.
  • Director of the “External evaluation of projects of European integration activities organised by Universities under the support of the A-3022 Budget Line of the General Budget of the E.U.”
  • Organisation of Trade Missions in Asia and institutional missions in EU candidate countries
  • Organisations of a wide range of Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Study Visits in covering several economic sectorrs


As Expert on Cultural Management & International Cooperation, throughout the past 20 years, I have had the opportunity to coordinate projects and build relations with some of the most prestigious media & cultural institutions worldwide, involving renowned artists, intellectuals and opinion leaders from different fields (arts, literature, culture, sports, economy, sciences, politics, etc.). Such experience was gained not only thanks to my previous positions as Chef de Cabinet at the Prince of Asturias Awards or International Advisor to the Spanish Minister of Culture, but also through the implementation of a wide range of E.U. funded projects, that contributed to develop ongoing public awareness campaigns on different topics of socio-economic and cultural interest.


  • Since June 2020, founder President of the Fifty-Fifty cultural association, to promote the Fifty-Fifty Jazz and Poetry Festival (first edition to launched in November 2021, (, www.fiftyfiftyfestival.com). In that framework, member of PJE (Plataforma Jazz España).
  • Between 2020 and 2022, selected expert for the Capacity Building for European Capitals of Culture project (https://culture.ec.europa.eu/calls/capacity-building-for-european-capitals-of-culture)
  • Since 2020, Solar Impulse Expert for the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions (volunteering evaluation work. (. www.solarimpulse.com)
  • Specific experience on teaching on Creative Industries & Cultural Management issues: Since 2010, Professor at the MBA on Cultural Industries & Companies of Madrid Complutense University and in 2013 at the Master on Management, Production and Organisation of Cultural Events at the Camilo José Cela University.
  • In 2012, Member & Secretary of the Jury for the “Cristobal Gabarrón Award” in its category “Thought and Humanities”, given that year to Siri Hustvedt. In 2011, promotion of the award to Azar Nafisi (http://gabarron.org/Awards/Awards/tabid/436/Default.aspx)
  • Between 1997 & 2005, external Collaborator for International Relations of the Prince of Asturias Foundation.
  • Additional Training: Diploma on International Trade (online training), issued by FADE (Asturian Federation of Entrepreneurs – May 2003)
  • Knowledge and experience in working with and multilateral institutions (U.N. agencies, EU institutions, World Bank Group, etc.), public authorities at local, regional and national levels, as well as other international organisations and medias (National Geographic Society, The New York Times, International Olympic Committee, EBU, OTI, etc.)
  • Introduction to the book “Sentinels of the Ocean” (AT-Lights project, co-financed by the Interreg IVB Atlantic Area programme, on Atlantic Lighthouses).
  • Coordination of the book “La Huella de los Grandes / Virtue and Achievement” (Lunwerg Editores / The New York Times)
  • Executive co-producer of Gainsbourg Latino CD & Spectacle (France-Spain, September 2002)
  • Secretary of the Concerts and Animation Society (Porrentruy, 1989-1993)
  • Founder-member of the AIDS Youth Prevention (Porrentruy, 1992-1994)