Kahdeksan suomalaista kaupunkia mukana Action Planning -verkostohankkeissa!

Edited on 27/06/2023

APN map
Stylised APN map

URBACT IV -ohjelman ensimmäinen APN- hankkeiden hakukierros on nyt suoritettu. Toteutukseen etenee 30 APN-hanketta.

Suomesta mukana on kahdeksan hankepartneria ja yksi hankevetäjä (Espoo) alla olevan listan mukaisesti. Suomen URBACT yhteyspiste onnittelee!

Espoo Cities for Sustainability Governance (CSG)

Tuusula Green Transition in Small Cities along Transport Corridors (EcoCore)

Oulu Paving the way for a Circular Transition of cities (LET'S GO CIRCULAR!)

Åbo Akademi Digital Intelligent Urban Services in the Metaverse – a solution for increased competitiveness of small & median cities

Oulu Developing a hybrid and sustainable future for youth work (NextGen YouthWork)

Kuopio One health Network for Cities in Europe (ONCE)

Lahti One health Network for Cities in Europe (ONCE)

Iisalmi Finding solutions to influence the urban shrinkage (Residents of the Future)

Turku Schools as the focal point of an integrated planning approach for 15-minute neighbourhoods and a green urban mobility transition (SCHOOLHOODS)

Submitted by petri.kahila@uef.fi on 27/06/2023
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