Food education and awareness-raising

Food education


How to raise awareness and educate on food?

Cities can play a role in raising awareness and educating citizens on good quality and healthy food - for example, by running activities for different types of publics and creating time and spaces for all to engage in these activities.


Check some exemplary city cases of food education

Cesena (IT)

Educational farms and related activities.

READ MORE ( Page 16)

Hegyvidék - Budapest (HU)

The Stewardship Program to involve residents in the maintenance of informal public green spaces. 

READ MORE (Page 68)

Loures (PT)

Workshops with children of kindergarten and primary schools.


Bydgoszcz (PL)

Ecological education.

READ MORE (Page 107)

Ljubljana (SI)

The Bees Educational Programmes.

READ MORE (Page 80)

Brussels (BE)

Food challenge for families.

READ MORE (Page 45)

Lille (FR)

UIA TAST'IN FIVES': testing a future Food Court by prototyping it in real-life.



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