Breaking Isolation

01/06/2023 31/12/2025


The "Breaking Isolation" Network, composed with 10 European cities, aims to address the rising issue of social isolation.

The project seeks to strengthen social bonds across generations and promote diversity by focusing on citizen participation.

The City of Agen leads this project that aims to identify and support socially isolated individuals, increase awareness, and enhance social cohesion.

Thanks to the URBACT methodology, the partners will be able to produce their local strategies (Integrated Action Plans) by the end of 2025.

Breaking Isolation Network.

LEAD PARTNER : Agen - France
  • Isernia - Italy
  • Serres - Greece
  • Fót - Hungary
  • Pombal - Portugal
  • Roman - Romania
  • Jumilla - Spain
  • Škofja Loka - Slovenia
  • Tønder - Denmark
  • Bijelo Polje - Montenegro



First Transnational meeting on 13 and 14 December 2023 in Škofja Loka, Slovenia.

kick-off meeting on September 13 with the 10 partners of the European “Breaking Isolation” network.

2nd Transnational Meeting (TNM) of the Breaking Isolation network of the Urbact program in Škofja Loka, Slovenia

February 20th and 21st marked the holding of the 3rd Transnational Meeting "Breaking Isolation" in Pombal, Portugal

The 4th TNM was held on April 17th and 18th in the city of Cerres, Greece.

The 5th Transnational Meeting in Isernia, Italy on June 18-19,2024 : first approach to the selection of experiments after the ideation phase

Agen, Ideation phase continues to go further

A unique milestone at the midpoint of the Urbact program with a distinctly European dimension ! The 6th TNM took place in Brussels in October 2024. 

Lead Expert

After being Lead Partner of the Active Citizens Network on URBACT 3, the City of Agen was designated to be the Lead Expert of “Breaking Isolation Network”.



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