New European Tools for Urban Development

10/10/2016 10/04/2017


The project consists in exchanges between European cities on the implementation of Article 7 of European Regulation. For the first time the European Commission dedicated 50 B€ to the development of European cities for 2014-2020. The European Commission developed tools such as the Integrated Territorial Investment or the Urban Axis in order to get the results and objectives closer to the needs of the cities and further than national level. The CIA 7 network consists in understanding the role of the cities in this 2014-2020 European programming and the way they use the tools to their development.


One city is one way to implement Article 7 but we are all facing the same challenges and we all have the same goal to implement the integrated strategy at the local level. How to achieve this aim during a fixed programming period? What do we want to develop? How to include all stakeholders to build the project? To answer these questions, the network will develop exchanges between partners into topics such as the development of integrated approach, the involvement of local stakeholders, the evaluation and the gap between strategy and implementing. The network would like to develop recommendations to cities implementing Article 7 and to be part of the discussions for the next programming period.


Project launch

Phase 1 completed