
19/09/2022 19/09/2022


CityLogo is a transnational learning experience on citybranding and -marketing in modern urban politics. It is about a better positioning of cities in the (post) crisis economic arena and reinforcing the communication dimension in urban management.



City branding or strategic communication is a rising function in modern urban policies and new styles of local governance. Increasingly cities are addressing their positioning –or re-positioning-,  not only at European level but at the global arena. They are seeking a clearer positioning in the new economic landscape that will emerge from the present economic crisis. Often such kinds of processes are addressed without method, or they are merely approached as a matter of labelling, with little empathy with the feeling of local communities. Many of them therefore fall into circumstantial or inconsistent results.

CityLogo is a network on Innovative Place-Brand Management that has been launched as a reaction to the most common gaps in the way cities and regions address branding and marketing. The rationale is that city-branding should be embedded in broader and participatory processes of re-thinking urban identities to be then filtered by urban-driven communication codes, resulting in more powerful brand-toolkits. In addition, more effective formulas for stakeholder involvement and management should be widely promoted. A multi-dimensional task fed by different perspectives and local agents, with a clear strategic scope. In short, a true exercise of integrated urban management.


Lead Partner : Utrecht - Netherlands
  • Utrecht - Netherlands
  • Coimbra - Portugal
  • Zaragoza - Spain
  • Genoa - Italy
  • Alba Iulia - Romania
  • Warsaw - Poland
  • Vilnius - Lithuania
  • Aarhus - Denmark
  • Oslo - Norway
  • Dundee


Project launch

Project completed


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