
19/09/2022 19/09/2022


Exploring current approaches to strengthen social cohesion in neighbourhoods



CoNet collects, reflects and improves the knowledge about integrated approaches to strengthen social cohesion in neigbourhoods. The knowledge is implemented in innovative local projects espacially in the fields of community life, education, economy and employment.

Integrated approaches do have more impact to improve the situation than traditional sectoral projects. This is highly needed especially in CoNet's concerned deprived urban areas.

The Cohesion network CoNet has three pillars: firstly the work of 11 Local Support Groups working on Local Actionplans. Secondly 11 thematic meetings, one in each partner city and thirdly a city to city project support scheme bringing officers and experts from one city to an other city to ensure a direct transfer of know-how.


Lead Partner : Berlin - Germany
  • Malmö - Sweden
  • Apeldoorn - Netherlands
  • Brussels - Belgium
  • Liverpool
  • Gijon - Spain
  • Vaulx-En-Velin - France
  • Palermo - Italy
  • Sofia - Bulgaria
  • Alba Iulia - Romania
  • Zabrze - Poland


Project launch

Project completed


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