19/09/2022 19/09/2022


Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe focuses on the development of integrated, sustainable strategies and dynamic leadership techniques for cities to promote the use of electric vehicles.



Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe focuses on the development of integrated, sustainable strategies and dynamic leadership techniques for cities to promote the use of electric vehicles. Urban initiatives to encourage the public and business to use EV's will contribute to EU clean air and car fleets targets, making cities more attractive and competitive. EVUE will exchange and disseminate solutions to key barriers such as public resistance, lack of infrastructure, rapid technology change and obsolete economic modelling.


Lead Partner Westminster
  • Lisbon - Portugal
  • Beja - Portugal
  • Madrid - Spain
  • Frankfurt - Germany
  • Katowice - Poland
  • Suceava - Romania
  • Stockholm - Sweden
  • Oslo - Norway


Project launch

Project completed


  • Articles
    Rolul URBACT în modelarea achizițiilor publice inovatoare și responsabile

    Realizarea politicii UE la nivel local în cazul achizițiilor publice

    După șapte ani de contribuție a URBACT la Agenda Urbană a Parteneriatul UE pentru achiziții publice inovatoare și responsabile, reflectăm asupra unor învățături și constatări cheie.

  • Articles
    First approach to the selection of experiments after the ideation phase The 5th Transnational Meeting was held in Isernia, Italy, on June 18-19, 2024

    First approach to the selection of experiments after the ideation phase The 5th Transnational Meeting was held in Isernia, Italy, on June 18-19, 2024

    This 5th Transnational Meeting is a testament to the vitality of our network, with the participation of our 10 partners who were present for this meeting. They reaffirmed their commitment and