JESSICA 4 Cities



Urban Development Funds (UDFs) foreseen in the JESSICA initiative for integrated plans for sustainable urban development



Urban Development Funds (UDFs) foreseen in the JESSICA initiative invest in PPP and other projects included in an integrated plan for sustainable urban development. The role of cities in JESSICA is essential: they develop strategies and integrated plans for sustainable urban development; identify/design projects/plans capable of mobilising JESSICA funding; implement projects/investments supported by JESSICA. Objective of the WG is to determine, in close cooperation with EIB, how in practice European cities can draw the maximum benefit from UDF and JESSICA and conversely how the implementation of JESSICA can be structured having regard to existing Structural Fund regulations to best accommodate the needs of cities.



Lead Partner : Managing Authority Erdf Tuscany Region - Italy
  • Brasov - Romania
  • Poznań - Poland
  • Manchester
  • Porto - Portugal


Project launch

Project completed


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