Paving the way for a circular transition of cities

01/06/2023 31/12/2025


LET‘S GO CIRCULAR! network is paving the way for a sustainable, just and productive transition of cities towards a functioning Circular Economy. It addresses all issues relevant to a holistic strategy of circular city ecosystems, fostering innovative solutions. The concept of the 10 R Ladder (from REFUSE to RECOVER) serves as an underlying principle for the action planning. 



Lead Partner : Munich - Germany
  • Riga - Latvia
  • Cluj Metropolitan Area - Intercommunity Development Association - Romania
  • Guimarães - Portugal
  • Kapodistriaki Development S.A. - Greece
  • Granada - Spain
  • Oulu - Finland
  • Lisboa E-Nova Agência de Energia e Ambiente de Lisboa - Portugal
  • Malmö - Sweden
  • Tirana - Albania


First transnational meeting on 25-27 September 2023  in Munich, Germany: Kick-off and best practices (sustainable mass tourism, industry programs and repair cafe/second hand department store)

2nd and 3rd transnational meeting on 5-9 February in Guimarães and Lisbon, Portugal: Governance, innovation, methodologies (circular economy commitments, governance, education, tools)

4th transnational meeting on 16-17 April in Riga: Strategies, construction, waste management, material bank, circular use of buildings and social innovation

5th Transnational Meeting in Oulu. Themes discussed: digital tools serving circular economy, water circularity, education, energy.

6th Transnational Meeting in Malmö - with the Midterm Review Reflection and a Political Panel on the LE'TS GO CIRCULAR! Policy Paper.

Lead Expert


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