19/09/2022 19/09/2022


Land Use Management forSustainable European Cities



LUMASEC deals with strategic land use management, as it is one of the most important topics for competitiveness, attractiveness and sustainability of European city-regions. Today, a definition of strategies of land use implementation is limited, and therefore the recycling processes of urban brownfields are inefficient. Strategic planning is mostly unable to manage land use.


LUMASEC focuses on both the strategic level (strategic planning methods, process of cooperation between public and private bodies, fiscal measures and observation tools) and the operational level (actions plans related to case studies) of land use management. Furthermore, LUMASEC will elaborate strategies, methods, tools and practical recommendations.



Project launch

Project completed


Lead Partner : Universität Karlsruhe (Th) - Germany
  • Baia Mare - Romania
  • Bristol
  • Bytom - Poland
  • Kavala - Greece
  • Lyon - France
  • Saint-Etienne - France
  • University Of Ljubljana - Slovenia


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