Making Spend Matter

Changing Procurement - Changing Cities

03/04/2018 14/06/2021


Making Spend Matter Transfer network explores how to use spend analysis as an evidence tool to enhance the impact of procurement by public / anchor institutions in order to bring additional economic, social and environmental benefits to the local economy and its citizens. This will be achieved by transferring the Good Practice developed by Preston in this area.



Lead Partner Preston
  • Bistrița - Romania
  • Kavala - Greece
  • Koszalin - Poland
  • Pamplona - Spain
  • Schaerbeek - Belgium
  • Vila Nova de Famalicão - Portugal


April 2018 – September 2018 | Phase 1: Transfer Network development

4 December 2018 | Start of Phase 2

January 2019 – March 2019 | Transfer Planning Period: development of the Good Practice transfer, tools and training on spend analysis methodology

April 2019 – December 2020 | Transfer Learning Period: transfer of the Good Practice in partner cities, bilateral activities on the themes of Advanced Spend Analysis, SME Engagement, Social and Environmental criteria in Public Procurement.

January 2021 – May 2021 | Transfer Sharing Period: National/Regional Good Practice Transfer Events

March 2021 | Final Network Event

4 June 2021 | Project End Date


  • Rolul URBACT în modelarea achizițiilor publice inovatoare și responsabile

    Realizarea politicii UE la nivel local în cazul achizițiilor publice

    După șapte ani de contribuție a URBACT la Agenda Urbană a Parteneriatul UE pentru achiziții publice inovatoare și responsabile, reflectăm asupra unor învățături și constatări cheie.

  • Social cohesion
    First approach to the selection of experiments after the ideation phase The 5th Transnational Meeting was held in Isernia, Italy, on June 18-19, 2024

    First approach to the selection of experiments after the ideation phase The 5th Transnational Meeting was held in Isernia, Italy, on June 18-19, 2024

    This 5th Transnational Meeting is a testament to the vitality of our network, with the participation of our 10 partners who were present for this meeting. They reaffirmed their commitment and