
19/09/2022 19/09/2022


Nodus is a project for a working group focused on the links between urban regeneration and spatial planning elements that influence regional development and spatial segregation.



The Working Group will have as its main objective to develop a series of recommendations for the improvement of the coordination of area-based urban  regeneration policies and regional or metropolitan planning. It will have to take into account two major elements. On the one hand the importance of the relationships between urban regeneration and these sectoral policies with a spatial impact designed at a regional or metropolitan level, such as housing or transport infrastructures. On the other hand the difficulty that these distinct policy elements are defined by several agencies often belonging to different administrative levels, and thus lacking of connection and interaction.

The Nodus Working Group wants to tackle the issue of how urban regeneration projects are taken into account in the regional spatial planning processes and how do the latter determine urban regeneration and related sectorial policies. The questions to be answered are:

  • Are spatial planners taking into account local urban regeneration policies as an input in their work?
  • Which are the feedback effects between strategic/spatial planning and the definition or the impact of local urban renewal projects?


Lead Partner : Generalitat De Catalunya - Spain
  • Alba Iulia - Romania
  • Amsterdam - Netherlands
  • Dobrich - Bulgaria
  • Government Of Mazovia Region - Poland
  • Katowice - Poland
  • Regione Emilia Romagna - Italy


Project launch
Project completed