Residents of The Future Quarterly Report: What have we learned from The Baseline Study?

Edited on 14/06/2024

Residents of the Future - URBACT IV Network

After the activation phase, the project partners were dedicated this period to the conclusion of the Baseline Study and to the implementation of the Urbact Local Groups.

After the activation phase, the project partners were dedicated this period to the conclusion of the Baseline Study and to the implementation of the Urbact Local Groups. The conclusion of the Baseline Study was a major task on the beginning of this period. It was important to the possibility of having the final document reviewed by each partner, especially on each city content.
One of the next challenges about the Baseline Study will be to use it on the Urbact Local Groups to promote its dissemination. The document will have its final discussion on the first transnational meeting on the implementation phase, that will be at Saint-Quentin, France, in April 2024.

This period was also the consolidation period for the implementation of the ULGs (Urbact Local Groups). Most of the partners organized the second or the third ULG meetings, already focused on going deeper on the project challenge, but also on defining the vision to the future. There were several tools used by the partner at this phase. Some of them were introduced on the Urbact Summer University 2023, namely the “Problem Tree” and “The Newspaper of Tomorrow”.

This period was the set-up period of the implementation phase with the Urbact methodology. There weren’t transnational meetings, but only the ULG work, the Keep-in-touch Calls between partners and the conclusion of the Baseline Stud

Read the full report here: 

Submitted by Krešimir Grubić on 11/06/2024
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Krešimir Grubić

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