Šibenik Polytechnic Enrolls Record Number of Students. But Is It Preparing Students for Life Here or Away in Big Cities and Abroad?

Edited on 30/09/2024

Freshmen Day on the Polytechnic of Šibenik

The Freshmen day on the Polytechnic of Šibenik

For the second consecutive year, the Polytechnic of Šibenik has broken its own record, welcoming an even greater number of students. In a time when higher education institutions across the country face various challenges, this growth signals not only a vote of confidence in Šibenik’s education system but also the desire of young people to pursue academic dreams in smaller, vibrant towns like this coastal gem. 

But with this success comes an important question: How many of these young minds will stay to build their careers and lives in Šibenik, and how many will eventually find their futures in larger cities or abroad?

The Dilemma for Students: Stay or Go?

Šibenik, like many small towns across Croatia, faces a challenging reality — an exodus of its youth. It’s a common story: students earn their degrees, but many leave soon after, chasing better job opportunities, higher salaries, and broader career paths in major cities like Zagreb, Split, or even in foreign countries. While the allure of larger cities is undeniable, offering the promise of more dynamic job markets, cultural diversity, and cutting-edge industries leaves smaller towns like Šibenik in a precarious position.

Young people often feel torn between the charm and comfort of their hometowns and the allure of fast-paced urban life. The question remains: how can smaller towns like Šibenik retain their young talent, or even better, encourage them to return after gaining experience elsewhere?

The Challenge of Depopulation

Depopulation is one of the greatest challenges Šibenik and similar towns face today. Over the past decade, the migration of young people from rural and smaller urban areas to bigger cities has led to shrinking populations, leaving behind aging demographics. This not only impacts the economy but also the social fabric of these towns, with fewer young families, less vibrant cultural life, and weakened local businesses. For many, it’s not a question of love for their hometown, but a simple calculation: Where can I build a better life for myself and my family?

A New Opportunity for Small Towns Like Šibenik

Yet, the winds of change may be blowing in favor of smaller towns. A new generation of young professionals is starting to prioritize things differently than their predecessors. The hectic, stressful life of big cities is losing its appeal for many who now value a healthy work-life balance, safety, and clean living environments above all.

Šibenik, with its pristine coastline, Mediterranean climate, and rich history, could be perfectly positioned to take advantage of this shift in values. The town offers a peaceful, slower pace of life, access to nature, and a strong sense of community. While Šibenik may not have the skyscrapers and rush-hour traffic of larger metropolises, it offers something increasingly sought after: time. Time to spend with family, enjoy hobbies, and partake in a vibrant cultural and sports scene that’s only growing.

Therein lies the opportunity. If smaller towns can provide the right mix of career prospects, cultural enrichment, and quality of life, they can become not just places to visit but places to stay and thrive.

Nikolina Gracin, Project leader of the "Residents of the Future" network with Željko Burić, the Mayor of the City of Šibenik

Engaging the Next Generation: "Residents of the Future" Initiative

Recognizing this potential, the international URBACT network’s “Residents of the Future” team visited the Polytechnic on the first day of classes for first-year students. They were greeted with warm smiles, welcome gifts, and an invitation to participate in a meaningful dialogue. The team conducted a survey among the students, asking them about their plans after graduation and what factors would influence their decision to stay in or leave Šibenik.

This initiative aims to create a sustainable action plan that listens to young people’s needs and desires, fostering an environment in Šibenik where students can see a future for themselves. By improving the quality of life through better job opportunities, vibrant cultural activities, and community-focused projects—Šibenik hopes to turn the tide of youth migration and create a place where staying is just as exciting as leaving.

As these fresh minds embark on their academic journeys, the hope is that they will also be part of a movement to transform Šibenik into a town not only of history and beauty but of opportunity, innovation, and a fulfilling life. The future is theirs to shape, and Šibenik is ready to welcome them home.

Submitted by Krešimir Grubić on 30/09/2024
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Krešimir Grubić

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