Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • #1 Small Scale Action | Nevers, France

    Nevers Agglomération prepared a Small Scale Action, aiming to start using brand new tailor made intuitive analytics dashboards to better manage the Water network and supply within its region. This experiment is seen as one the first stones towards the future bigger IoT platform project that will be the core of Nevers Integrated Action Plan.

    Mariana Salvado

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  • Working together for Ideal Park

    The phrase ‘a choir is made up of many different voices’ has certainly been true in Bordesley Green – and the choir was in full fettle yesterday (Tuesday 8th March)!


    The focus on this attention was the Ideal Park, just off the Bordesley Green Road – a slightly overlooked green space that is extremely important to the local community.  And it was this week, that things are really getting moving!


    James Carless

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  • Krakow Metropolis Association

    The Krakow Metropolis Association aims to foster cooperation for the sustainable development of the Krakow Functional Area. To do so, the entity supports transport operation and manages the implementation of Regional and European funds, while it also created the Krakow Metropolis 2030 Strategy - a document that guides the future of the metropolis.

    Mikel Berra-Sandín

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  • Bistrita’s first Small Scale Action

    Bistrita organized the first Small Scale Action on January 20, 2022. The action took the form of a Round Table, organized at the Municipal Cultural Center "George Cosbuc", which is a department of the municipality, and an ULG member.


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  • "Foody zero waste" a new Hub in the Milan general market

    “Foody Zero Waste” is a new initiative for the recovery of fresh fruits and vegetables in surplus at the general wholesale market in Milan promoted by Fondazione Cariplo, Municipality of Milan and Sogemi.

    Cristina Sossan

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  • Communities of practice and stakeholder's involvement in the Urbact project

    The sharing of knowledge and experiences among different actors that take part to a food system is very important in order to improve actions. This is particularly true in the process of defining a Food Policy at urban level but also in the implementation of new actions. What type of tools can be used in order to build a shared vision on specific issues?


    Cristina Sossan

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