Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • The importance of procurement to city economies

    This article explores why procurement is increasingly being seen as a way of addressing some of the economic, social and environmental issues facing our cities. It does this through reflecting on: the legislative framework for procurement; the activities of the Procure network; the importance of understanding where procurement spend goes; and how social considerations can be more effectively embedded into procurement processes.

    Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson

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  • The challenges of implementation

    “The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something.” All European cities can certainly endorse this quote by President Obama and testify that taking action – or implementing – presents a whole set of challenges that can sometimes be daunting. How can delays in implementing a strategy be anticipated? How can expectations or potential conflicts be managed around the implementation of a strategy? How to remain within the initial budget planned for the strategy during its implementation? These are some of the issues that the newly launched URBACT Implementation Networks are now set to work on. 

    Soraya Zanardo

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  • Creating urban environments that inspire young people into ‘creative-tech’ careers

    Across the whole of Europe, the growing shortage of technical talent is starting to impact on urban economies. In this article, Jim Sims, the Lead Expert on the Urbact GEN-Y City Network, looks at educational and skills policy across Europe and makes the case for cities to be orchestrators of urban environments that can inspire young people into ‘tech’ careers. 

    Jim Sims

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  • Undertaking spend analysis and developing procurement strategy

    If cities are to progress the way in which they undertake procurement so that it brings more local economic, social and environmental benefits, they need to go through a number of steps. As part of the Procure network, we have already completed two of those steps. The baseline study enabled our partner cities to identify the activities they were already doing around procurement and importantly to identify key challenges they faced. Our first transnational meeting in Lublin, Poland effectively set the legal context for more progressive procurement through exploring European and National Level law.



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  • A short discussion note on Community Cohesion

    The theme of the First Workshop in Dresden 21-23 September 2016

    The issue of community cohesion has becoming increasing more pressing and as such has pushed the issue higher up the political agenda following the tragic events in Paris and Brussels. The  ongoing state of emergency in Paris and  Brussels, the ongoing arrival of migrants fleeing war and poverty and the recent  attacks  in Nice, Normandy and  in several German  cities have brought to the fore the ongoing challenges facing cities in respect of managing the new flows as well as addressing the issue of community cohesion.


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  • Roadmap to a better Social Media Governance

    How Social Media can help the collaboration between Public Administration and Citizens

    "There is a lot of power in people to self-organise around a specific issue and if they'd like to use technology to mobilise themselves, they should have the capability and the choice to do that.”
    Juliana Rotich, founder of Ushahidi, 2011

    Interactive Cities explores how digital, social media and user-generated content can improve today’s urban management in European cities of various sizes.


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