Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Scoping a circular ecosystem, lessons by the city of The Hague!

    On Thursday the 10th of September the Resourceful Cities network had its first City2City session in which the City of The Hague presented how they are scoping a circular ecosystem.

    Esmée Dijt

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  • Valongo and the URBACT OnStage project: a participatory process from start to finish

    From the beginning of the URBACT OnStage project, the Portuguese city of Valongo invested heavily in a participatory process aimed at co-creating the methodologies and strategy to put musical and artistic teaching at the service of the social cohesion of the city. Now that the end of the project is approaching, it is time to evaluate it and look forward.



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  • Dun Laoghaire's work on the Coastal Region

    Within the TFC Action Planning Network the city of Dun Laoghaire has decided to focus its ULG and future works on the coastal region (South of Dublin City) between Booterstown and Dalkey.

    Sabrina Bruzzone

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  • Innovation is a matter of people

    Shifting narratives in public innovation”: a workshop for sharing best practices, giving rise to future positive scenarios in policy innovation.

    Valeria Tarallo

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  • Making Spend Matter Toolkit Step 1: How is your city using procurement to make public spend matter?

    We believe it all begins with understanding the strategic importance of public procurement!

    Alison Taylor

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  • Funding Guidelines for Small Theatres

    In 2016 the Municipal Energy Agency of the City of Frankfurt published a new guideline for funding efficient energy use in Frankfurt’s small theatres. The funding guideline in this form is unique for a German city. As of August 2020, eleven theatres have applied for and benefited from this funding.


    Laura McIntosh

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