Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • "5 Guidelines" - cycling promotion in Bielefeld in general

    As a long-time member of the "Working Group for Cycling-Friendly Cities, Districts and Municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia" (AGFS NRW), cycling promotion is playing an important role in all transport planning in Bielefeld. Nevertheless, there are potentials in cycling that have not yet been fully exploited: after all, almost 50% of all journeys by car are shorter than 5.0 km and therefore actually the ideal cycling distance. An increase in the share of cycle traffic in the total traffic volume, which currently stands at 18%, is thus feasible, but requires a consistent cooperation of planners and decision-makers.

    As a basis for this, the city council decided in June 2016 on five guiding principles that were formulated because of the "Bicycle Police Audit" (BYPAD) by the transport policy relevant groups:

    1. Increasing the share of cycling to 25% by 2025
    2. Development of a bicycle traffic concept
    3. Develop and strengthen infrastructure
    4. Expand service / communication / public relations
    5. Create work structures

    Olaf Lewald

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  • Genova - Integrated Action Plan

    The main purpose of our Integrated Action Plan is to find and underline the enormous possibilities that the use of social media and digital technologies are opening in the present of public administration; and, in the specific, Genoa, will explore the role of digital communication for an effective city branding and attractiveness promotion.


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  • URBInclusion 1st thematic seminar in Lyon - Monitoring & evaluation

    by Corinne Hooge - Grand Lyon Project Manager
    Setting up efficient indicators and monitoring systems to measure performance The URBinclusion project held its first thematic seminar in Lyon on the 11th and 12th January 2018.


    Massimiliano Rumignani

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  • Tartu - Integrated Action Plan

    The main aim of Intergrated Action Plan (IAP) of Tartu is to provide guidelines for communication and engagement activities for e-engagement of key stakeholders on 3 priority focus topics presented in graph 1. According to our vision all these 3 focus areas are interrelated and partly overlapping, so addressing one, the other two will be affected as well.


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  • Playing cards and drinking coffee…

    … sounds more like a calm weekend afternoon activity. But for CityMobilNet it actually meant intensive work to push forward our Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans to completion by engaging and entertaining work elements. Moreover, not only the methods applied were out of the box: thanks to technical and personal hosting by the Municipality of Morne-a-l’Eau, our team gathered new experiences on planning and development challenges but as well solution pathways giving new ideas and perspectives to virtually everybody.

    Olaf Lewald

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  • Attractiveness. City´s internationalisation pathway to smart growth

    How cities are marketed as business and innovation ecosystems? This was the main theme of the URBACT IN FOCUS Transnational Workshop held in Grenoble from February 7 to 9, 2018, where we had the opportunity to discuss on marketing the city as a business location, with a central question to discuss: How to take advantage from the concept of smart specialisation to improve and give more direction when branding and communicating the city as a business environment and innovation ecosystem.


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