Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • ROOF Bootcamp in Braga (PT)

    The Municipality of Braga held on 7 and 8 February, the Bootcamp Roof - Integrated Action Plan Design Experience, at the Hotel Axis Ponte de Lima. This meeting led by the Urbact Local Group (ULG) of the European Network #urbactroof - Ending Homeleness, allowed the co-construction of the Integrated Action Plan for the House of Skills Project, an innovative transitional housing solution for homeless people, through a program to improve personal, social and professional skills, in collaboration with the various social organizations in the city of Braga, which operate in this field.

    Hannelore Bonami

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  • First Urbact Local Group Meeting in Udine. The start of a playful work together

    The first Urbact Local Group of Udine has started today with a virtual meeting. The first important step of a playful jurney.


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  • Public Policies & Governance for Territorial Food Systems

    The transition towards territorial food systems requires new public policies that consider innovative and effective formulas for participatory governance, among other facilitating elements. Food democracy impacts citizen empowerment when it comes to bringing together actors for this necessary action for change. The local perspective and the consolidation of participatory structures can be nurtured through networks such as those promoted by the URBACT Programme through Local Action Groups.


    Vera Lopes

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  • How places of heritage in our cities can be drivers for local economic development by ad-hoc expert Wessel Badenhorst

    European cities are often blessed with places or quarters of significant heritage value. Many of these places can only be maintained and sustained if new purpose and uses can be found for them. In the Kair s Project partner cities are actively examining the possibilities for repurposing heritage with a zest for creative fusion of the old and the new, the sacred and the unexplored.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • Food Corridors contribution to the Conference on Sustainable Urban Development by the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union

    Making health a cross-sectoral priority, taking action regarding the food sector towards sustainable approach was some of the conclusions of the workshop in which Food Corridors, through the lead partner Comunidade Intermunicipal da Região de Coimbra (Portugal) participated together with other organisations such as Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

    Vera Lopes

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  • Focus on Thessaloniki (GR): testing the Housing First methodology on a small scale

    Just last month, a homeless man, Kostas Pavlidis, known to most Salonicans strolling in the city center died on the streets in the center of the city amidst a rare cold wave soaring across the country. He had for a period of time stayed at the homeless shelter run by the Municipality, was known to Municipal and NGO homeless services but it was clearly not enough nor tailored to support a homeless person with multiple issues. The details of this specific case aside, the truth is that homeless shelters have not proven to be the most effective
    long-term solution to homelessness and in times of crisis, so bluntly evident during the pandemic, shelters were unable to ensure protection, safety and health services to most homeless, let alone cover complex needs of individuals in a street situation.

    Hannelore Bonami

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