All URBACT articles

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  • Intergenerational Festival in Poljčane

    At the beginning of this summer, we organized an Intergenerational Festival in the meadow under the Čreti hayrack in the Municipality of Poljčane as part of the URBACT program's BiodiverCity action

  • Call for Good Practices is nu [GESLOTEN]!

    In deze call kunnen steden goede voorbeelden van duurzame ontwikkeling in de stad aandragen om als Good Practice te worden beoordeeld. De gekozen Good Practices worden uitgelicht op het Urbact City

  • Urban planning
    Climate action

    Tools to activate residents to trans form their private gardens in to biodiversity oases - Biodivercity case study 5.

    Hegyvidék, Budapest's greenest district, is turning private gardens into biodiversity oases to tackle climate change and promote eco-friendly living. The Green Office is leading this effort with

  • WELDI Journal Number 2

    This update on developments in the WELDI-network includes learning points from transnational meetings on access to housing and digital inclusion, and an assessment of what WELDI partners learned from

  • The national flag of Hungary next to the European flag. © European Union, 2024

    New Council Presidency of the EU: Hungary unveils urban policy priorities

    The Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU has officially started. Find out which urban policy priorities are on the agenda through December 2024.

  • 14 actions for a vibrant Celje city centre

    The City of Celje is participating in the URBACT network Cities@Heart in which partner cities tackle challenges related to revitalising city centres. During our visits to Celje we learned that they

  • colourful flag

    LGBTQI+ kogukond Pariisi ööelus

    Cities After Dark võrgustiku partner Pariis võtab juhtrolli kaasava öise linnapoliitika kujundamisel.


    29. juunil on Pariisi tänavad Pride'i pidustuste ja iga-aastase võrdsete õiguste paraadi keskmes