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  • Mesta mestom: Moje mesto, moja izbira!

    Promocija kolesarjenja in nove kolesarske infrastrukture v Velenju.

  • European visitors inspired by Barnsley’s digital campus

    Visitors from across Europe were given an insight into how Barnsley has developed its thriving digital business community last week.

  • Mesta mestom: »Pokosili bomo, ko se bodo čebele najedle«

    Pozna košnja javnih zelenih površin za ohranjanje biotske pestrosti.

  • Restart Eco Business Model

    This is a business model for RESTART Opole.
    It is part of the notes for the project meeting concerning Opole.

  • Candelaria community spirit building

    A city that is tailored to the people who make it up, that exudes the different identities that make up that city and the special relationship in which they all blend together. This objective of

  • SHORT FOOD SUPPLY CHAINS - Relocalising production to empower actors and make territories resilient

    Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC) renew the traditional format of direct sales in order to position themselves as an alternative to the long chains that characterise the global food system, a model that

  • Planear para a segurança urbana com jogos: o caso do projeto UrbSecurity em Leiria

    A participação cívica é essencial para o desenvolvimento urbano sustentável, mas são poucas as ferramentas e soluções disponíveis para o fomentar na prática. Uma das novas abordagens que tem vindo a

  • "Wir freuen uns, dass URBACT fortgeführt wird" - Dr. Timo Munzinger vom Deutschen Städtetag im Interview

    Der Deutsche Städtetag vertritt die Interessen von rund 3.400 Städten und Gemeinden in Deutschland. Er gewährleistet den Austausch der Städte untereinander und legt gemeinsame Positionen fest. Darüber

  • Innovatív városi módszerek a szegény városrészek megsegítésére

    Az URBACT partnerek jó gyakorlatait felhasználva a városok bevonják a lakosokat saját környezetük megújításába.

    Hogyan tudnák a városok támogatni a városrehabilitációs törekvéseket a megszorítások