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    The Digi-Inclusion Network Journal is now live!

    Watch our Lead Expert Ian Graham introducing this first instalment of the new Video Journal, which you can keep watching as we update it with insights and ideas and examples from the network and

  • Articles

    Sieť GreenPlace: oživenie zelených miest pre ľudí a s ľuďmi


    Pokiaľ ide o opätovné využitie mestských priestorov, sieť pre akčné plánovanie „GreenPlace“ chce predovšetkým počuť názory miestnych obyvateľov.

  • S.M.ALL 1st Core meeting in Ferrara - how it was


    The URBACT S.M.ALL APN 1st Transnational Meeting “Ready For Action” was held in Ferrara on December 6-7th, 2023, and allowed the Partner Cities to get to know each other in person and discuss the

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    Formujte budúcnosť URBACT-u!

    Aktuálne prebiehajú nové INTERREG konzultácie o územnej spolupráci po roku 2027. Vyjadrite svoj názor prostredníctvom dotazníka a postavte mestá do centra pozornosti! 

  • Articles
    Group picture at the third day of the URBACT City Festival 2017 in Tallinn, on 3-5 October.

    See and be seen: 3 reasons to apply for the URBACT Call for Good Practices

    Cities have until 30 June to send their good practice, but what are the benefits of applying? This article outlines three good reasons to get involved. 

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    Uitdagingen op het gebied van huisvesting in Albacete, Spanje

    Albacete is een levendig cultureel centrum in de regio Castilla-La Mancha, een van de meest dynamische landbouwregio's van Europa. Vanwege de strategische ligging trekt Albacete een groot aantal

  • Articles

    Relever le défi du logement à Albacete, en Espagne

    Albacete est un centre culturel dynamique situé dans la région de Castille-La Manche, l'une des régions agricoles les plus dynamiques d'Europe. En raison de sa situation stratégique, Albacete attire