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  • We Art the Change - Mantova's transfer story

    How working with Manchester shaped Mantova’s arts and culture sector as a driver for positive change on climate

  • Dalle esperienze della città verso URBACT IV e le politiche locali, nazionali ed europee

    I risultati dell’azione di ascolto e confronto con le città condotto da ANCI al centro di un evento organizzato nell’ambito dell’URBACT Festival

  • Gradske knjižnice kao prostori promicanja održivosti i edukacije o klimatskim promjenama

    Klimatske promjene sve su češća tema razgovora, a sigurno je da je, nažalost, i jug Hrvatske osjetljiviji na klimatske promjene. Sve češće smo svjedoci i velikih požara, poplava, vrućina i velikih

  • What was this BeePathNet journey? An open door to new adventures!

    Nea Propontida was, and still is, a municipality with lots of beekeepers. However there were no honey bees in urban areas till recently. The increased awareness of the people, the disappearance of

  • The bees – equal city residents of Ljubljana

    The beekeeping tradition in Ljubljana and its outskirts dates back to the time of first prehistoric settlements. A bee and a beehive are on the oldest door sign in the city at the City Savings Bank

  • Pollinators on the rise

    The Municipality of the 12th District (Hegyvidék) is the local government body responsible for the administration of Budapest’s greenest district, a hilly, partly suburban area in the western part of

  • Bee good for food in Cesena

    Cesena is situated in Northern Italy within the Emilia-Romagna Region, some 15 km from the Adriatic coast. Its geographical position – alongside the banks of the Savio river, surrounded by hills and

  • We care for nature in Bydgoszcz!

    In Bydgoszcz one can find large lowland rivers, small watercourses, various types of forests, communities of meadows and grasslands, peat bogs, parks, squares and gardens. The 2018 Bydgoszcz City

  • Amarante’s bees bloom

    Amarante is a small European city located in northern Portugal, near Porto, surrounded by amazing mountains, with a lot of history, of which honey and beekeeping are a part of. It has an urban center