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  • So much more than the IKEA quarter… Transfer story of Targówek, Warsaw

    Few people are well acquainted with Targówek. In the minds of Warsaw residents, this district is rather described as: "a peripheral part of the city", "somewhere far beyond Praga", "I heard that the

  • La Red de ODS de URBACT cuenta con la ciudad de Manresa como miembro

    La ciudad de Manresa ha sido seleccionada para formar parte de una nueva red URBACT con el objetivo de desarrollar planes de acción conjuntos con otras ciudades europeas para la localización de los

  • Τελική εκδήλωση για τη διάδοση των αποτελεσμάτων του Δικτύου Μεταφοράς BluAct, 27 & 28 ΜΑΙΟΥ 2021

    Με μεγάλη επιτυχία διοργανώθηκε η τελική υβριδική συνάντηση-εκδήλωση (µε φυσική & διαδικτυακή παρουσία συµµετεχόντων) Ανταλλαγής και Εκµάθησης με τίτλο «Starting up the Blue Economy” στο Δημοτικό

  • Resourceful Cities: Urban Resource centers explained!

    Our new video is launched!

    The Action Planning network Resourceful Cities seeks to develop the next generation of urban resource centers, so they can serve as catalysts of the local circular economy by


    Municipality of Thessaloniki, even though it refers to a city of only 2.5m2 per resident, during the last years supports and hosts in public spaces a vineyard, an orchard, an urban community garden

  • Quality Brands and Sustainable Food Systems

    In April 1957, the BBC broadcasted a short report showing a Swiss family harvesting their spaghetti crop from the family tree. Numerous viewers called the station after the coverage, interested in

  • Vysádzanie stromov podporuje mestskú odolnosť a participáciu: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Burgas (Bulharsko)

    Aby mesto Burgas pomohlo zmierniť následky závažných povodní, otestovalo nové, úspešné formy zapojenia občanov. Vyzbrojené zásobou stromov vybudovalo podporu na zlepšenie odolnosti miest

  • A Tale of Two Cities. Transfer Stories from East and West.

    Two German cities are currently lead partners in the 23 URBACT transfer networks. Altena in North Rhine-Westphalia and Chemnitz in Saxony. Altena shared its best practices on how to develop

  • Enhancing the care of the city: Naples Transfer Story

    In 2018 the city of Naples was awarded by URBACT for its model of “civic uses”, a policy tool that enables communities of citizens to manage and take care of public assets – known as urban commons  –