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  • Sakernas internet kan utveckla Ånges hemtjänst

    Digitalisering är särskilt viktig där avstånden är stora. Ånge vill utveckla sakernas internet för hemtjänst och snöröjning. Nätverket i de europeiska städerna ger ny och användbar kunskap.

  • Rencontre avec Kathleen Vanhandenhoven et Jean-François Pêcheur, les partenaires belges du réseau BIOCANTEENS !

    Jean-François Pêcheur (JFP) est coordinateur du GAL Pays des Condruses, asbl active dans le développement territorial de sept communes de la Province de Liège. Kathleen Vanhandenhoven (KV) y est


    EuroAltea, the European Project Office of Altea, has won the Volunteering Award thanks to its collaborative work in the URBACT: Voluntary Cities project, carried out between EuroAltea-Ayuntamiento de

  • Katowice's Transfer Story: from a toy library idea to a game board space in every home

    Written by Michał Kucharski and Marek Cichoń

  • L’Italia dei Transfer Network – Commons e usi civici, verso una nuova governance dei beni comuni: le soluzioni di Napoli e delle città di Civic eState

    Il secondo approfondimento del Punto Nazionale URBACT sui risultati dell’azione di trasferimento promossa grazie ai Transfer Network di URBACT. Tappa a Napoli e nelle città europee della rete che ha

  • Financing the Urban Commons. Part II

    How can urban commons be financed? Civic eState investigates opportunities in EU structural funds and financial investment tools with the European Investment Bank

  • Public Procurement and Smart Cities - Urban analytics as a development driver

    Considering URBACT III programme, more specifically Making Spend Matter project, the Municipalities that take part of this transfer network and good practices considering public procurement have

  • URBACT e-University: knowledge exchange, digital yet entertaining

    The annual URBACT Summer University, an eight-day dynamic event, was carried out online in 2020. Despite the new setting and fast adaptation, the meeting proved successful with over 300 participants