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  • Female entrepreneurship - a way to development in rural areas

    Within the framework of its participation in the FEMACT-Cities project, the County Administrative Board of Skåne primarily works on how the proportion of female entrepreneurs can be increased and how

  • Hannut_Fresque

    De tijd nemen om na te denken met URBACT, de uitdaging voor de gemeente Hannut

    De stad Hannut wil haar burgers een duurzame, harmonieuze en aantrekkelijke leefomgeving bieden en is daarom op verschillende fronten actief, met projecten die milieu-, klimaat-, energie-, sociale

  • Hannut_Fresque

    Prendre le temps de la réflexion avec URBACT, le pari de la commune de Hannut

    Souhaitant offrir à ses citoyens un cadre de vie durable, harmonieux et attractif, la ville de Hannut est active sur plusieurs fronts avec des projets intégrants les enjeux environnementaux

  • Dabie Depot

    Let’s revitalise forgotten urban spaces for green cities, together!

    Luc Schuiten, Belgian architect, envisages that in 2100 “sustainable development will have become a pleonasm”, and as such, future cities will see new living and working habits, mobility and

  • Preparándonos para las Redes de Transferencia de Innovación (ITN)

    Del 10 de enero al 20 de marzo de 2024, URBACT lanza la convocatoria Innovation Transfer Networks (ITN). El objetivo de estas redes es transferir proyectos financiados en el marco de Acciones

  • Viladecans EU City Lab - site visit

    URBACT takes stock of 2023

    For URBACT, this has been a year of new beginnings with new networks, people, partnerships and landmark events!  

  • Yellow LEGO man in the role of an hiker, with a map and a compass

    Urban Mobility Paradigms: navigating inclusivity and sustainability in the S.M.ALL project

    In the city of Ferrara, which leads the S.M.ALL project, the first transnational “ready for action” meeting took place on December 6th, 2023. This meeting concluded the city visits and marked the

  • Climate action
    Viladecans EU City Lab on Energy Transition

    How did the first EU City Lab go?

    Together with the European Urban Initiative (EUI), URBACT has launched a series of green policy events for city practitioners to increase their knowledge. Read on to learn about the very first