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  • L'incontro del NUP URBACT con il Comune di Trapani e il gruppo d’azione locale del Network Use-IT

    A Trapani l'incontro con gli attori dell' UIA Transfer Mechanism Network Use-IT finanziato dal URBACT.

  • We all have a good reason to distrust organic certification!

    The visits to the 4 initial BioCanteens partner cities revealed different forms of reluctance towards organic certification... which is a bit strange for cities that have just embarked on a process of

  • Barcelona opens its first workspace for women entrepreneurship organizations and entities

    The file provides you with the full article by Dr. Malcolm Borg on transit oriented development in Malta's harbour regions around its captial Valletta
  • Reserva la fecha para el URBACT InfodayES 2022

    Los días 20 y 21 de octubre de 2022, Gijón será la sede del URBACT Infoday España.

  • Global Goals for Cities Manresa

    Los días 22 y 23 de septiembre de 2022, Manresa acoge el evento sobre Localización de las agendas globales y de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. 

  • Playful Paradigm Gender Toolkit

    The 3rd Transnational Meeting for Playful Paradigm Second Wave, virtually hosted by the Municipality of Jelgava on February 24, 2022, focused on the Transfer Module 1 – PLAY for Sustainable Urban

  • Active citizen = investment in the future

    The statutory city of Hradec Králové has enough experience with so-called "hard" investment projects. But even "soft" projects cannot be underestimated. For this reason, I consider it very important

  • La Carbon Literacy negli eventi culturali: la giornata formativa del Transfer Network NPTI

    Il seminario formativo organizzato da Anci per gli stakeholders delle città della rete nazionale URBACT NPTI


    Bertrand Girardi is Delegate Municipal Councilor in charge of the city of Agen’s Participative Democracy and in particular of the URBACT Program and European projects of citizen participation