URBACT Good Practices

261 results
  • Dupnitsa / Bulgaria

    A home for everyone

    Social housing & soft measures to improve the living conditions of vulnerable groups

  • Pforzheim / Germany

    The power of arts and green

    Using art, green and citizens in the transformation of urban areas

  • Vaslui / Romania

    When unused and empty spaces become the centres of social inclusion

    How a city can smartly use its abandoned spaces to respond to citizens' needs

  • Ljubljana / Slovenia

    Bringing citizens closer to their mayor and city services

    A citizens' inniatives service allowing citizens to participate in decision-making at local level

  • Alba Iulia / Romania

    City branding: making the invisible visible

    A branding initative for sustainable cultural tourism

  • Aarhus / Denmark

    Long-term unemployed take the lead

    An experiment challenging traditional welfare system and empowering long-term unemployed in their efforts to find or create a job

  • Bologna / Italy

    Managing climate change in the city

    A climate adaptation plan designed and implemented with local stakeholders to increase resilience on a metropolitan scale

  • Vilafranca del Penedes / Spain

    From empty housing to social inclusion

    25 years of housing rehabilitation for social purposes

  • Aarhus / Denmark

    Culture as the intermediary

    By using empty buildings and culture as an intermediary, solutions to complex challenges are co-created between the citizens and the municipality.